I've found the only way to ensure I get work done on StarLines is to do it BEFORE I log on to eve-online. Such is its addictive nature.
I discovered today that I won't get a free copy of
THIS GAME Which is a bit grim considering I worked on it! For the record, I did some collision detetcion code, some newspaper layout code, some sound programming and some tools work. Knowing how big games companies work, they probably redid all of my code all over again at some stage. When a game is in production for fourty thousand years like some of these big projects (Duke nukem forevere and ever and ever...) They always end up redoing everything after they have spent 2 million before working out what the game will be like.
Its a bit depressing, but reminds me just how much more viable Indie games are! And I don't see my day job taking four years either, the Movies is already looking pretty cool.
On a separate note, im getting increasingly put off
THESE BOARDS which were once the best forums for the whole indie developer scene. Unfortunately they are now swamped with lots of people wanting feedback on very amateur puzzle games, much like GameDev became. Oh well... hopefully Steve will sort it out, and moderators can redirect newbie questions to a central FAQ.