Sunday, August 31, 2003

I bought a copy of Republic today. I am not even listed in very small ink in the credits, but as my first impressions are that its pretty poor, Im not too fussed.
Opening up an ini file reveals these entries:
Which reminds me that I did do some work on the game, as I recall putting them in. ho-hum.
It pains me that it can take 5 years to make a game, and that at the end of the process, nobody has thought that everyone expects th ESC key to quit the current screen, or the mouse wheel to be reserved for zooming in and out. AFAIK you cant zoom the camera in Republic.
After 10 mins of looking at the interface, I am not motivated to learn how to play it all, especially while I have Eve-online to play, and StarLines to work on. (not to mention a Roast dinner to cook - its Sunday after all ;)).