Sunday, September 07, 2003

Well sales have dropped back to normal now, just a temporary windfall I reckon. I have got a fair bit done codewise, but its hard to tear myself away from Eve online. Maybe I can classify playing it as research?
Various things have happened recently, got the kitchen tiled at last (hurrah!) and watched Lord Of the Rings on DVD. Most excellent.
Bugs have been creeping in to the Movies, and I spent most of thursday and friday hunting them down. Its always good to go back over old code and see if its still working as it should do and if there are any bits you can simplify or redesign.
Saw an interesting thread at about Crystal Interactive, a company from whom I have more christmas cards than royalty checks. Basically anybody that tells me they can sell my games in stores and make me money is talking rubbish and i ignore them. Over the years I've learned that if you make a good fun playable game it will sell online. I plan not to be distracted by publishers and retail deals in the future.
If I can get the new version of StarLines INC to double the sales of the old version then I will be happy with that, especially as I have a perfectly good day job anyway ;)