did a fair bit of design work on government last night. this morning I've spent hours playing starship tycoon, trying to get it to crash, but cannot replicate any bugs that users find at all which is annoying.
I'll probbaly do some more work on government later. I don't expect to write any code at all today, I'll just work on screenshot mockups for all the different data. theres no point in coding a GUI only to realise its not right.
I aim to finish government around Octoberish,then start work on a different game, theres no point in doing another StarLines and letting the game take years...
My advertising just started again, so hopefully I'll get some sales coming in.
I'll probbaly do some more work on government later. I don't expect to write any code at all today, I'll just work on screenshot mockups for all the different data. theres no point in coding a GUI only to realise its not right.
I aim to finish government around Octoberish,then start work on a different game, theres no point in doing another StarLines and letting the game take years...
My advertising just started again, so hopefully I'll get some sales coming in.