Friday, December 05, 2003

Theres a rumour going round that IGN and Gamespy will merge. If its true this is very bad news. Gaming is corporate enough as it is, what with big giants like EA and GAME deciding what games we get to see on shelves.
Whats needed are a lot more truly independent gaming sites tahta arent afraid to slag off crap games, and also to give top billing to unheard of games that they like.
Thank god for game demos, because you simply can't rely on anything that reviewers say these days. The problem is getting enough people to download and try out your game. With many demos weighing in over 100MB, they just arent an impulse download, even on broadband. I'm planning on keeping my demo sizes below 20MB, and pref below 10MB, both for bandwidth cost reasons and to get more impulse downloads.
Played Vegas Makeitbig recently, its pretty well done. worth a try. (even though its a 122MB download! I got it from a coverdisk luckily).