Sunday, December 19, 2004

I released version 2.3 of Starship Tycoon today, just changed the full version(not the demo). This fixes some minor bugs that only show up in the full version, and added a few tiny tweaks.
Sales have been not bad lately.
Went to Paris yesterday so didnt get time to do any code added some small amount to democracy today. Basically Im adding a 'timeline' which will show your progress towards the next election as you play the game. I just put in some placeholder stuff for now.

I edited my blog sidebar, you will notice a small smudge on the RHS. this is in fact a tiny table of 16 image links each scaled to 2*2 pixels. They are sucking the bandwidth from some pathetic spamming viagra site that dared spam me.
If you spam me, it will cost you big time in bandwidth ;).
Im hoping that over the next few months, the number of visitors to this site will help (in just a small way) to cost that scumbag company some cash.
Feel free to hit shift refresh a few times ;)