Tuesday, November 11, 2003

goodbye sygate hello spamcop
Today I signed up for a $31 a year account with spamcop.net to filter spam out of my email, It seemed to take ages to get the forwarding set up right, but now it seems to be working just fine. The onslaught of virii and spam was beggining to get me down.
I've also turned my back on years of using sygate personal firewall, and installed ZoneAlarm. I loved SPF, but sadly it was hanging my machine, unable to display its dialogs during BF1942. Obviously this is unforgiveable, so Ive gone back to good old fashioned ZA.
I'm currently negotiating the retail rights to Rocky Racers for Germany, which could be good, and also getting lots of improvements in to StarLines. I have 1 really obscure annoying bug in an iterator which is so far proving elusive.