Monday, November 10, 2003

Ok, picked up my new MESH computer today. So far so good, it looks great, was dirt cheap and has a whopping 256 MB video card, so I may get quite distracted by super cool gaming later!
Its going to take a while to copy all my settings and source code over to the new box, so Im sat here with 2 keyboards and 2 boxes at the moment.
Popped in to work to get the PC, relieved to discover that my code hadnt totally destructed or anything while I was on holiday. The save/load stuff that has been my bane is being tidied up by a better coder than moi, and boy does it need it. The MOVIES is looking fantastic, I'm very convinced the game will be a big hit. God knows what happens after that!
I'm still reeling from yesterdays big royalty check, which has put me in a fine mood. I also have a whole ton of code improvements in my head for StarLines, last night I managed to redo part of the string manager class so that strings are loaded on demand (although they can be cached). At the moment, if you request bubbletext string 22, then the whole bubbletext section gets loaded in and cached from disk. I'll probbaly keep it that way (to avoid too many small inefficient disk reads) but will end up breaking the text into more sections, now I dont have to declare the size of the section and their names in advance. I guess this has all been influenced by working with the proper string database stuff used by lionhead.