Sunday, July 27, 2003

A wonderfull sunny day here in the UK!
I sold 3 games this morning as well, which is also cool. And I have finally setup the sales stuff for my first affiliate game. I am selling a cool little strategy game called AlterLife. You can see it on my front page here The game was developed by someoone else, and I am basically selling it on commision. Maybe it will be a waste of time, maybe itll be a nice little earner. who can say?

I've spent some time today tearing out and recoding chunks of the CargoManager in StarLines INC. There are a lot of nasty bugs still lurking in the depths of this game, and I think by restructuring the code to make more sense, I should eliminate or at least spot most of them.
It looks like it will take a long time to get this game to the quality I want, but hopefully it will be all the more successfull when I am done.
I already have a new title for it, new splash screen and new domain name, so I'm hoping to maybe double its current sales figures (last month I sold 34 units through RealGames, so Im shooting to sell an average of 60 a month of the new version...).
Maybe if that happens I'll be a step closer to buying my DREAM CAR one day.