Saturday, June 19, 2004

got a reminder in the post this morning about filling out some tedious company tax forms. Apparently mine are overdue.
In any sensible country you would get a letter saying "you need to fill out this form in the next week"
instead what the Uk supplies is this:

They tell you you need to fill the form out 6 months before they need it AND 3 MONTHS BEFORE THEY WILL ACCEPT IT.
They dont actually send you the form.

Brilliant isnt it?
so everyone loses the form which they arent allowed to send yet, then forgets about it and gets fined.
what a great system.

I have had 2 reminders for the form, from 2 separate addresses. no idea where tos end it so I'm just going to pick one.
If there is a country thats less entrepreneur-friendly than the UK id be suprised.